MEANWHILE: I don't know who this new guy is that sent me the email below, but he seems to represent himself as the "third detainee," Joe Trimpert. Then again, the sender may be an imposter. But it is known that Trimpert was a "Third ... of lies put down by other Detainees/former co-workers.. if the Military were to release files on what really happened on April 15th, 2006' their could be a whole lot of embarrassment for all parties that endured a Vacation at Camp Cropper. ...
MEANWHILE: I don't know who this new guy is that sent me the email below, but he seems to represent himself as the "third detainee," Joe bTrimpert/b. Then again, the sender may be an imposter. But it is known that bTrimpert/b was a "Third ... of lies put down by other Detainees/former co-workers.. if the Military were to release files on what really happened on April 15th, 2006' their could be a whole lot of embarrassment for all parties that endured a bVacation/b at Camp Cropper. ...
MEANWHILE: I don't know who this new guy is that sent me the email below, but he seems to represent himself as the "third detainee," Joe bTrimpert/b. Then again, the sender may be an imposter. But it is known that bTrimpert/b was a "Third ... of lies put down by other Detainees/former co-workers.. if the Military were to release files on what really happened on April 15th, 2006' their could be a whole lot of embarrassment for all parties that endured a bVacation/b at Camp Cropper. ...